This project is an opportunity to open a dialogue with adolescents about the risks and consequences of decisions that we make.
The themes that families and educators have difficulty to cover are explained clearly and in an objective way. Questions like drugs, sexuality, teenage pregnancy, coping methods, self-esteem, respect of differences and decision-making for future are discussed in various meetings. Our method is based on interviews conducted by an educator from Gente de Bem of people living in these situations. The purpose is to pass their experiences to the adolescents.
In the end of the meetings our educator is available for individual conversations with the adolescents. It is important for the youngsters to ask for help since we encounter cases of pregnant girls, persons addicted to chemical substances, even, people close to commit a suicide. When more in-depth assistance is needed, we help adolescents to get into other specialised institutions.
Our particularity is that way we conduct our interventions: with respect, without value judgements, with scientific data, by using short films, photos, testimonies. It is a combination of moments of joy, hope and profound learning.
School information sessions have reached more than 4.000 adolescents in public schools.
Watch the video and get to know the project better: